Sam Wonders

a rant about phone messaging apps ui

so i was typing a message out on discord, AND OMG why does the message-in-progress box have to be so damn small??

look, my brain is great at a lot of things, but one area with massive room for improvement is short term memory.

i only get SEVENTEEN WORDS before they disappear away into the digital abyss. do you know how quickly i forget the 18th word back? and don't get me started on the 28th. i type on my phone waaaaay slower than i think, and constantly have to glance back up to remind my brain what i was saying a sentence or two ago.

and do you know how tiny that little message-in-progress box is? and how hard it is to scroll precisely??

why can't you just be like iMessage and expand the message-in-progress box up until the top of the screen like a sane UI designer would do?

and why do you need to stick so much stuff in the same horizontal plane as the literal most important part of your app, without which, would completely and utterly fail to serve its core purpose? are you or are you not a messaging app?. like discord you have 3 buttons with icons, why can't those go above the message-in-progress box? and i don't need cute rounded edges on my message-in-progress box, which squishes the text into an even smaller area. i need to see my IN PROGRESS FUCKING MESSAGE.

anyway, it's all good. this is what laptops are for.

dear everyone making things for smart phones: please, oh pretty please, stop trying to turn my smartphone into a laptop.

just because we can, doesn't mean we should.

P.S. I think one shitty thing about the state of technology in the world today is that for so many people, their job, and therefore the thing keeping a roof over their family's head, depends on adding features, which then incentives people to, well, add features. Not to make and maintain a good app.